Introvert in an extroverted workplace

2 min readJul 15, 2017


Illustration by Kimberly Mak

I’m not one who goes around advocating my introvert label in hopes of gaining attention. Yet, sometimes I feel the need to introduce myself with a disclaimer. A disclaimer that humbly says i’m an introvert and sorry in advance to all the after-work parties I can’t make it.

My introvert personality does not define me however it’s an extension of me in various way. In the workplace, we strive to do excellent work ensuring presentations goes well and deadlines are met, regardless an introvert or extrovert. For me, I have no problem turning on that extroverted switch. The one where for the next two hours, “ i’m a person with charismatic presentation skills capable of interacting with stakeholders (insert shimmering smiley face) ” all while keeping my introverted self in a squeeze tight jar that says do not open until it’s all over.

“ the constant struggle to mirror the personalities and charm from highly-praised extroverted colleagues has exhaust me”

In the past, i’ve been denying and underplaying my introvert quality as a weakness, the constant struggle to mirror the personalities and charm from highly-praised extroverted colleagues has exhaust me. My qualities was being out shined by others simply because they were loud and i’m not.

Maybe all introverts say this when reading Quiet by Susan Cain — a book that changed the perspective on introverts and myself, it was empowering to know the flaws I’ve grown up with throughout my life are unique qualities that brings so much potential. As rejuvenated and inspired I was, there are days I felt my introvert persona held me back. Quietly processing information with great attention- a trait that has done me good in the past for having an eye for detail is now utterly useless when put in a room full of extroverts where silence translate into “ productivity gone stale ”. It’s a defeating moment when good intentions don’t leave an impact. Introverts may not be naturally equipped with social skills to twirl their way through conversations at a given moment.

Introverts are attentive, reserved, genuine, emotional, mindful and smart. Yet, half of these qualities are only uncovered when the right moment happens. It’s similar to being uncertain while crossing the road, you withdraw both footsteps back to safety upon seeing cars coming your way, which is of course the logical thing to do. But, if we don’t think with courage and make that judgement call, we’ll never make it across.

We are always waiting for that right moment to be heard and sometimes these moment don’t happen unless we make them happen.

Make it happen.




Written by kimberlymak

Visual storyteller // UX Person // Texture-Enthusiasts

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